How to Calculate Strip Foundation (Wall Footing)?
Step 1. Choose the measurement units, DU — mm, cm, m, inches, feet.
Step 2. Choose the drawing color, CL — monochrome, color.
- Step 3. Select the foundation axes quantity and direction, ABo, ADo, BCo, BDo, CDo.
* more details in the image above - Step 3.1. Input the foundation axes parameters — length, AB (ABxx), AD (ADxx), BC (BCxx), BD (BDxx), CD (CDxx) and offset*, ABsh, ADsh, BCsh, BDsh, CDsh.
* offset be calculated from the axes starting position - Step 3.2. Choose how much to rotate foundation* (clockwise).
* 0° (by default) - Step 3.3. Select to show grid in drawings or not.
- Step 4. Input the foundation dimensions — thickness*, FNW, depth**, FND, height above ground level, FNH, concrete grade, FNC.
* thickness = wall footing width
** depth = height below ground level - Step 5. Input the rebar foundation parameters — diameter, FAD, quantity horizontal rows, ROW, quantity rods on horizontal row, ROD, vertical rebars spacing, CLS, rebar length under foundation*, CRL.
* for hammer into the ground - Step 5.1. Select to show rebars in 3D or not, S3D.
- Step 6. Input the sand filling under foundation parameter — thickness, SBF.
- Step 7. Input the concrete slab parameters — concrete slab depth*, SAT, rebar grid spacing, SAS, rebar diameter, SAD, concrete grade, SCM.
* slab depth = slab height - Step 8. Input the building parameter — total weight, HTW.
- Step 9. Input the ground parameter — bearing capacity of soil*, SMP.
* bearing capacity — maximum load soil can support and resist failure - Step 10. Input the insulation parameters — vertical insulation thickness, FTT, vertical insulation height*, FTH, horizontal insulation thickness, BTT, horizontal insulation width*, BTW.
* depth = height below ground level
* total height = height below ground level (depth) + height above ground level
** width = distance from foundation to insulation edge