Gable roof rafter calculator

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SVG vector drawings, 3D AR augmented reality
SVG vector drawings, 3D AR augmented reality
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SVG vector drawings, 3D AR augmented reality
Distance: 0
Calculation results
  • Roof angle (pitch): 43.44 °
  • Rafter cut angle: 46.56 °
  • Rafter plumb cut depth: 14.2 cm
  • Total rafter lumber length: 496.22 cm
  • Rafter depth: 15 cm
  • Thickness: 5 cm
  • Total rafter length with overhang: 482.02 cm
  • Rafter length from ridge to H.A.P (height above birdsmouth): 413.16 cm
  • Length from ridge plumb cut to seat cut (underside): 406.27 cm
  • Tail or eave length (tail cut - birdsmouth heel cut): 68.86 cm
  • Seat cut (level): 5 cm
  • Plumb cut (heel cut): 4.73 cm
Materials for construction
  • Rafter depth: 15 cm
  • Total rafter lumber length: 496.22 cm
  • Thickness: 5 cm
  • Wood volume: 0.037 m3
Initial parameters
  • Units of length: cm
  • Technical drawings color: color
  • Roof height: 300 cm
  • Building width: 600 cm
  • Gable roof overhang length (eave, soffit): 50 cm
  • Birdsmouth seat cut: 5 cm
  • Rafter depth: 15 cm
  • Thickness: 5 cm
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Online calculator produces an accurate calculation of the rafters online (calculates the sizes of rafters for the roof: the length of rafters, length overhang, the angle of the saw cut, the distance to drinking). The drawings and the size of the rafters are generated in real-time.

The calculator provides online calculate the length of rafters a gable roof. The calculation of the shed roof rafters run another calculator.

In the "select dimensions" you need to make the roof by selecting appropriate units of measurement. The image clearly shows all the options you want.


Required for calculating rafter dimensions:

  • The roof height is the distance from the level of the "floor" of the attic to the roof ridge.
  • Roof width — distance between the points of support of the rafters. This is usually the edge of the mauerlat on the external side of the wall.
  • Roof overhang — the distance from the edge of the wall to the edge of the roof.
  • Width rafter width rafter boards (usually 10 - 15 cm).
  • Thickness rafter thickness rafter boards (usually 5 cm)
  • Gash depth is the distance from the edge of the Board to the extreme end of drinking (can't do more than 1/3 of the width of the rafter Board)

To mark the distance from the edge of roof boards to be washed down only at the angle of a saw cut which gives You calculator rafters.

After pressing the button "Calculate", the calculator rafters displays the results of the calculation on the specified data on the drawing of the rafters and the volume tab view.

The calculated sizes of the rafters may vary slightly during construction due to the presence of errors on the construction site. Please consider this nuance, and before getting to the truss system as a whole, make one of the rafter which will be used later as a template.

On the tab "3D view" is a three-dimensional model of the finished rafters, which can be viewed from all sides: rotate, move, zoom in, zoom out. To move the model of the rafters first, place the cursor over the model, hold down the right mouse button, then move. Rotation patterns of the rafters happens hold down the left mouse button. To zoom in/zoom out scroll the mouse wheel.

On the tab "Save" for your convenience, the calculation of the truss legs can be printed, saved in a convenient format, and send e-mail.

The thickness of the rafters is determined by the loads on the truss system, of the step between the rafters, length of rafters, etc. To determine the thickness of the rafters there's a useful article on our website the Correct calculation of the roof system.

Calculator rafter gable roof will help to simplify an independent calculation to determine the basic dimensions and the volume of material required for construction of rafters a gable roof.


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